Mason County, Illinois ILGenWeb


History of Menard and Mason Counties, Illinois, 1879, by Miller and Ruggles
Havana Township
Page 762

GIRARD W. D. HAVIGHORST, retired farmer; P.O. Havana; was born in Quackenbruck, Hanover, Germany, July 1, 1827. He came to America in the fall of 1844 and, via New Orleans, reached Shute's Landing, about one mile below the present city of Havana. Soon after his arrival here he went to Meredosia, Morgan Co , Ill., and engaged as clerk with Conn, Chambers & Pratt, where he remained till 1841. He then returned to Mason Co. and located in Bath Township, and engaged in farming. In 1864 he visited his place of nativity and, on his return, located at Havana, in the the spring of 1805, where he has since resided. He still owns 640 acres of land in Sherman and Pennsylvania Townships, in this county. He served as Assessor of Havana Township one term, and member of the Town Board one year. Married, in 1851, Miss Mary C., daughter of John H. Marbold, who was born in Hanover, Germany. Three children by this union:  Annie, widow of Ira Williams, Sophia W., and Grace V., wife of Frank Strickle. Mr. H. is a member of Mason Lodge, No. 143, I. 0. O. F., and Havana Lodge, No. 743, K. of H.

Maintained by Mason County Coordinator Donna Mayer